Thursday, October 22, 2009

And so it starts…….

I have ALWAYS had a passion for food, and it actually goes beyond just eating.

No really… does.

Anyway, I am embarking on a new adventure:  Culinary Arts. 

It’s something that I’ve wanted to do, I’ve looked at a few times here and there, but the timing was never right. 

It couldn’t get any more right then NOW. 

It really all came to head after seeing Julie&Julia (yea—don’t laugh!).  I had been to see the first showing at AMC Quail Springs theater and was gonna hit Barnes and Nobles after, and drove right passed The Institute of Culinary Arts School.  I literally pulled into the parking lot, signed in at the front desk, and met with a councilor ---all within the matter of an hour.

It was exhilarating. 

I walked out the doors, a to-be Culinary Student, and in a little over a year, I’d be Chef. 

Here’s the lowdown:

After 12 months, 1680 clock hours, and 105.45 credit hours, I will have an Associate of Science in Culinary Arts (yes—ANOTHER Associates degree).   The program consists of a broad curriculum including theory and practical instruction,  and many activities in a state-of-the-art laboratory (that means KICK ASS KITCHENS!).

The Institute offers the only ACF (American Culinary Federation) Accredited program in Oklahoma, and the only approved Certification Evaluator in the state of Oklahoma.

And there you have it.  The nitty gritty of it all.  It’s extremely fast paced, but I’m going to attempt to blog my entire experience.

That’s the plan at least. 

So if you are reading this (be it family or friend) encouragement and a little prodding, I’ll keep ya’ll in the loop of my going’s on. 

How’s that sound? 


Lisa said...

And now we will all know where to go for the GOOD EATS! LOL!